Don’t forget to also check Shoe Stores listed on our site as well! Happy shoe loving
Thanks for visiting our online shop! You’ve always felt the need to tell your friends how much you love shoes, now you get to show them without having to say a word -in style! Our hand selected merchandise features our trademark art and logos on T-shirts, Clothings for Men, Women & Kids, Baby things, Sweatshirts, Mugs, Computer Accessories, iPad, iPhone covers, Home Decor, Items for pets, Stickers, Magnets, Cups and more. And add Shoeholics magazine and book publication as well. Browse our store by clicking on the images below for direct links to purchase items for you and your friends –the ultimate gifts! What else can you get friends/families who seem to have just about every shoe designers in their closet? Shop our store! And don’t hesitate to send us pictures of you or your friends wearing our merchandise. We would love to share it with other members right here on Shoeholics Club and Facebook page! If you have any suggestions of items you would like to see in our store, please do not hesitate to contact us at
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Shoeholics Magazine! As of July 2014 Shoeholics magazine is now complimentary! Grab your copy now! Ships worldwide and also available in the app store for all devices! For more on the current issue, visit the press release page. If you are a retail store, party organizer interested in the magazine as gifts for your customers/guests, you can get the magazine in bulk. Companies with products or services interested advertising, please do contact us at Choose from the drop box menu below: US, Canada and International options to add to cart. Print editions are free, only a small donation needed to cover the postage. Choose single copy or auto-ship for uninterrupted delivery of 4 issues.
The shoe shaped handbags! Check them out on
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