Bridal Selections

Pearly Whites For Brides

A very elegant and dazzling creation by Tiffany Chimere for brides or just because. Featured in Shoeholics magazine bridal issue in stores now. You can actually win a pair in our ongoing contest!

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Julian Hakes Mojito Shoes

This is something very different and unique for a every edgy and fashion forward bride or simply a fun summer wearable art. The white Julian Hakes “Mojito” shoes!

A black version was featured in Shoeholics Magazine April-June 2012 print issue excerpts shown below.

Tom Ford curved wedge sandal. The Spring-Summer season is usually the busiest season for many ladies (and gentlemen) to have their weddings, and in some cases throughout the year at exotic locations. This design would be perfect with any bridal attire!

Bridal Selections

Spring-Summer is usually the busiest season for many ladies (and gentlemen) to have their weddings, and in some cases throughout the year at exotic locations. Bridal shoes are also a main part of our Spring, April-June 2012 issue of Shoeholics Magazine. Be sure to pick up a copy...Read More »