The Oscars red carpet brought out the biggest and some new faces in the movie industry. The movers and shakers in Hollywood looked their best, while some may have had some misses. Nevertheless, here are some of the looks we spotted live at the Oscars. Congratulations to everyone. It’s a tough job to look so good while under pressure.
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3-time Oscar winning legend Daniel Day Lewis
Quvenzhane Wallis
Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones in Zuhair Murad
Queen Latifah in Badgley Mischka
Jane Fonda
Helen Hunt in H&M dress for charity
Zoe Saldana in Alexis Mabille
George Clooney and Stacey Keiber in Naeem Khan
Halle Berry in Versace
Jennifer Aniston in Valentino
Anne Hathaway in Prada
Melissa McCarthy
Reese Witherspoon in Louis Vuitton
Kerry Washington in Miu Miu
Nicole Kidman in L’Wren Scott
Sandra Bullock in Elie Saab
Kelly Rowland
Jennifer Lawrence in Dior Haute Couture
Charlize Theron in Dior Haute Couture
Amy Adams in Oscar de la Renta
Jessica Chastain in Armani Prive
Jennifer Hudson in Roberto Cavalli
Jennifer Garner
Kristen Stewart in Reem Acra.
Naomi Watts in Giorgio Armani
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