Your Chance To Model In Shoeholics Magazine!

August 5, 2015 in Events, News by Bernd Ruhl

Back by popular demand! Editors are about to start working on The Collectors Edition of Shoeholics magazine, due out in January 2016. We had the first try out last year and it was a smashing success which produced 12 beautiful finalist, including Nea Dune from Croatia featured below!


Nea Dune, one of the 12 finalists featured in the previous issue


So here’s your chance to appear in the digital and print edition of the publication! Editors are looking to feature members/readers as models in the publication. It’s a great opportunity you do not want to pass up!

Who qualifies? EVERYONE! All ages and sizes, male & female worldwide are welcome!

How to apply: Simply send an email to stating name, country and a small bio about yourself which must include why you love shoes and about your favorite designer(s).

Submit at least 2 professionally photographed HIGH RES pictures of yourself in your favorite pair of shoes and be sure to include the photographer’s name for credit. You are more than welcome to have others in the picture, such as a mother-daughter, partners, best friend duo types or even your pets! As long as everyone is well dressed and looking gorgeous. Be creative! Let’s have some fun!

Screen Shot 2015-08-11 at 2.10.05 PM

Submission deadline is October 1, 2015.

The final selection of “models” will appear in the January-March 2016 print and app version of Shoeholics magazine. Hurry! Don’t miss out!

Click here to grab your FREE COPY of Shoeholics Magazine current edition. Be sure to follow the fun on the Instagram page.


Click the image to pick up a copy of the current issue

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